Water Restrictions


Did You Know Sicamous has a Water Regulations Bylaw?

To better manage water demand and ensure sufficient supply during summer months and more severe drought conditions, the District of Sicamous has implemented a bylaw to regulate the rates, terms and conditions under which water from the works of the District may be supplied and used. Periods of prolonged high water usage puts a high degree of strain on treatment and distribution infrastructure, and the District wants to ensure the system maintains sufficient reserves for fire services if required.

Stage 1 Water Restrictions - Residential & Non-Residential

*The Stage 1 Water Restrictions are in effect each year from May 1 to September 30.

Automatic Watering (sprinkler or irrigation)
  • Even Numbered Civic Addresses on even-numbered days
  • Odd Numbered Civic Addresses on odd-numbered days
Manual Watering (handheld hose)
  • Any day at any time

Stage 2 Water Restrictions - Residential & Non-Residential

Automatic Watering (sprinkler or irrigation)
  • Even Numbered Civic Addresses on Mondays and Thursdays
  • Odd Numbered Civic Addresses on Tuesdays and Fridays
Manual Watering (handheld hose)
  • Any day at any time
Non-essential water use
  • Recommended to avoid

Stage 3 Water Restrictions - Residential & Non-Residential

Automatic Watering (sprinkler or irrigation)
  •  Prohibited
Manual Watering (handheld hose)
  • Even Numbered Civic Addresses on Mondays and Thursday
  • Odd Numbered Civic Addresses on Tuesdays and Fridays
Vegetable Gardens/new sod
  • Manual watering only any day or time
Non-essential water use
  • Prohibited except for a health or safety reasons

Stage 4 Water Restrictions - Residential & Non-Residential

A person must not use water outdoors for any purpose, except for health and safety reasons.

Water Regulations, Rental and Connection Charge Bylaw No. 185, 1995

Visit our Water Conservation page for information on how to conserve water.