Types of identification that will be accepted at the polling station
Posted On: Sep 28, 2022
Tags: Business , Discover , Featured , Live Here , Your Municipality

With Advance Voting Day fast approaching, you may be wondering what kind of identification will be accepted at the polling station. The specifications are as follows.
Types of identification that will be accepted as identification include:
- a Driver's License;
- an Identification card such as
- a photo BC services card;
- a non-photo BC services card;
- an Owner's Certificate of Insurance and Vehicle License issued by ICBC;
- a BC CareCard or BC Gold CareCard;
- a Ministry of Social Development and Economic Security Request for Continued Assistance Form SDES8, (now "Monthly Form EA181);
- a Social Insurance Number card;
- a Citizenship Card;
- a real property tax notice;
- a credit card or debit card; or
- a utility bill such as electricity, natural gas, water, telephone or cable services.
Election officials MUST accept any of the above listed identification documents. An election official may also accept other forms of documents that provide evidence satisfactory to the election official (e.g. a valid, current passport).