New Washroom & Concession Facility promises to enhance Sicamous Beach Park
Posted On: Jul 04, 2021
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New Washroom & Concession Facility promises to enhance Sicamous Beach Park
Improvements at the Sicamous Beach Park are underway with the construction of the new Washroom and Concession Facility set for completion this year.
In 2020, the District of Sicamous (DOS) was fortunate to secure $447K in provincial funding through the Community Economic Recovery Infrastructure Program, Community Economic Resilience Stream to pursue improvements which will include new washrooms and a concession, a widened hard-surface pathway to the washroom, an outdoor seating area and pergola, landscaping, and irrigation. The DOS is also contributing $230K to the project.
While the new Washroom and Concession Facility promises to be a welcomed new feature at the Sicamous Beach Park, construction of the facility has encountered delays creating difficulties for those using the park during the peak summer season. To ensure bathroom access, portable washrooms have been placed onsite for public use and will be maintained by the Public Works department and a local contractor.
The irrigation system and water park have also been impacted while the DOS awaits installation of new power service. We understand this has had an effect on families wishing to use the water park as well as the aesthetic condition of the park itself. With power anticipated to be restored in the next couple of weeks, it is a priority for the DOS to ensure the water park is operational and re-establish irrigation to beautify the park as soon as possible.
The DOS wants to assure the public that the current condition of the Sicamous Beach Park is temporary, and efforts are being made to address the situation. The DOS also understands the inconvenience caused by the construction of the New Washroom and Concession Facility and is committed to working diligently towards a timely completion of the project.
This is an exciting time, as Sicamous will largely benefit from a new Washroom and Concession Facility that will enhance an already spectacular Beach Park. The DOS appreciates the public’s patience and understanding during the phases of construction.
Should you have any concerns relating to Public Works or Bylaw Enforcement at the Sicamous Beach Park, please contact 250-836-2477 or email