Sicamous Communities in Bloom awarded Five Blooms!
Posted On: Oct 06, 2022

On September 29, 2022, Sicamous received Five Blooms at the Annual Awards hosted by British Columbia Communities in Bloom.
This year was proclaimed the Year of the Garden, affirmed by Sicamous Communities in Bloom's dedicated pursuit of Five Blooms. On September 29, 2022, during the Annual Awards hosted by British Columbia Communities in Bloom, it was announced that the hard work of Sicamous Communities in Bloom paid off and this goal was achieved.
"The beautification and revitalization of our town centre has always been the top priority of Sicamous Communities in Bloom," shared community champion, Deb Heap. "We would like to acknowledge the support of our sponsors and partners and the hard work of our volunteers in achieving the top 5 Bloom award from BC Communities in Bloom."
Prior to the July 2022 evaluation, the Communities in Bloom judges were last in town in 2019 when Sicamous was awarded Four Blooms. The maximum amount of Blooms that a community can be awarded is Five.
The District would like to congratulate the dedicated volunteers, businesses and community groups who have helped to make this possible. Deb Heap, we are grateful for your passion and determination.
2022 BC CiB Provincial Award Results
2022 Sicamous CiB Report