Public Hearing for Heritage Designation Bylaw
Posted On: Nov 29, 2021
Tags: Discover , Featured , Live Here , Your Municipality

A Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at the District of Sicamous Municipal Hall (446 Main Street, Sicamous, B.C., V0E 2V0) to consider District of Sicamous Heritage Designation Bylaw No. 991, 2021.
The purpose of this bylaw is to provide Heritage Designation to the ‘Red Barn Arts Centre’, located at 1226 Riverside Avenue, legally described as Lot 11 District Lot 452 Kamloops Division Yale District Plan KAP2026, PID: 004-825-161. A copy of the draft bylaw may be viewed at Municipal Hall (446 Main Street) or by contacting the Corporate Officer at
If you believe that your interest in property is affected by the proposed District of Sicamous Heritage Designation Bylaw No. 991, 2021, you will be afforded an opportunity to be heard at the Public Hearing or to submit written comments.
The public is encouraged to submit their comments in writing prior to the Public Hearing. Where all comments are received by 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, December 7, 2021, they will be provided to Council. You may submit your comments:
- via email to ;
- via regular mail to PO Box 219, Sicamous BC, V0E 2V0; or,
- hand delivered to 446 Main Street, Sicamous, B.C.
Please Note: Seating in Council Chambers is currently limited to ensure social distancing can be maintained. As members of the public will be seated on a first-come, first-served basis, the format has been adapted to allow online participation. As per the Order of the Provincial Health Officer, masks are mandatory for anyone five years and older who is attending in person and contract tracing is also in effect.
To attend the Public Hearing electronically, please join us via Zoom at: