Notice of Election by Voting
Posted On: Sep 29, 2022
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PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY given to the electors of the District of Sicamous that an election by voting is necessary to elect a Mayor and six (6) Councillors, and that the persons nominated as candidates and for whom votes will be received are:
MAYOR – One (1) to be elected
Surname |
Usual Name |
Residential Address |
ANDERSON | Colleen | 210 Bayview Dr. Sicamous, B.C. |
DALZELL | Brenda | Sicamous, B.C. |
EMERY | Larry | 1217 Green Rd. S. Sicamous, B.C. |
RYSZ | Terry | 2363 Solsqua-Sicamous Rd. Sicamous, B.C. |
SHEEHAN | Mike | 202 – 236 Mara Lake Ln. Sicamous, B.C. |
COUNCILLOR – Six (6) to be elected
Surname |
Usual Name |
Residential Address |
AIREY | Ryan | 3170 9 Ave. S.E., Salmon Arm, B.C. |
BAILLIE | Ian | 2064 Cambie-Solsqua Rd. Sicamous, B.C. |
BAUMGARTNER | Matt | 438 Maduik Ave. Sicamous, B.C. |
BEECH | Pam | Sicamous, B.C. |
BRAUN | John | 222 Kappel St. Sicamous, B.C. |
BROWN | Tammy | 721 Shuswap Ave. Sicamous, B.C. |
BUSHELL | Gord | 117 Mann Rd. Sicamous, B.C. |
EVANS | Bob | 221 Mann Frontage Rd. Sicamous, B.C. |
FLYNN | John E. | 1984 Payne Rd. Sicamous, B.C. |
MAKAYEV | Malcolm | 209 Kappel St. Sicamous, B.C. |
RICH | Siobhan | 2970 Cambie-Solsqua Rd. Sicamous, B.C. |
GENERAL VOTING will be open to qualified electors of the District of Sicamous as follows:
Saturday, October 15, 2022 between the hours of 8:00 am and 8:00 pm
Council Chambers, District Office
446 Main Street, Sicamous, BC
ADVANCE VOTING will be available to qualified electors as follows:
Wednesday, October 5, 2022 between the hours of 8:00 am and 8:00 pm
Council Chambers, District Office
446 Main Street, Sicamous, BC
There is no need to pre-register to vote as the registration of all electors for this election will take place at the time of voting.
To register as a resident elector you must:
- be 18 years of age or older on general voting day October 15, 2022;
- be a Canadian citizen;
- be a resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately before the day of registration (at time of voting);
- be a resident of the District of Sicamous on the day of registration (at time of voting); and
- not be disqualified under the Local Government Act or any other enactment from voting in an election or assent voting and not otherwise disqualified by law.
Resident electors must produce 2 pieces of identification (at least one with a signature). Picture identification is not necessary. The identification must prove both residency and identity.
Non-resident property electors must produce 2 pieces of identification (at least one with a signature) to prove identity, proof that they are entitled to register in relation to the property, and, if there is more than one owner of the property, written consent from the majority of the property owners.
If you wish to vote by mail, you must submit the following information to the District of Sicamous municipal office by mail (446 Main Street, Sicamous BC V0E 2V0), telephone (250-836-5263), fax (250-836-4314) or email ( no later than 4 p.m. on Friday, October 7, 2022:
- Full name,
- Residential address,
- Address of the property in relation to which you are voting (for non-resident property electors),
- Method of delivery of your mail ballot package:
- pick up at office and, if you wish, name of person you authorize to pick up package for you, OR
- regular letter mail through Canada Post to residential address, OR
- regular letter mail through Canada Post to an alternate address that you provide when requesting the ballot package, and
- If you are not on the list of electors, to ensure you receive the correct registration application form in your package, you must indicate whether you are going to be registering as a resident or non-resident property elector.
To be counted, your mail ballot must be received by the Chief Election Officer no later than 8 p.m. on Saturday, October 15, 2022 of General Voting Day.