Mayor's Message on the Mara Mountain Fire
Posted On: Jul 21, 2024
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The Shuswap Emergency Program has shared more information regarding the Mara Mountain fire.
"This is again turning into a challenging fire season," says Mayor Colleen Anderson. "Hot temperatures and a lack of rain have contributed to our community being monitored by BC Wildfire Services and the Shuswap Emergency Program."
Mayor Anderson assures residents that the District of Sicamous is in continual communications with both BC Wildfire Services and the Shuswap Emergency Program and is dedicated to sharing accurate and timely information as it becomes available.
"Currently, no alerts have been issued; however, as what has unfortunately become part of our hot season, please be prepared and ready for any changes in the fire activity," says Mayor Anderson. "We will share everything we can as soon as we can on the District of Sicamous website and social media."
For up-to-date information on wildfires in the area, please visit the Shuswap Emergency Program website.
Shuswap Emergency Program Update - July 21, 7 p.m.
- BC Wildfire Service had an officer assess the Mara Mountain fire (K41070) by helicopter this evening. BCWS is reporting it has grown to 220 hectares, but has not moved much closer to Sicamous or Swansea Point.
- The fire is currently 500m above the Aston Mara East Forest Service Road. This FSR is between the fire and any populated areas.
- Fire behaviour is Rank Two and Three, which is a low to moderate surface fire with occasional candling and a moderate rate of spread. Rank six fire is the most severe.
- BCWS heavy helicopters continued bucketing operations today but will not be able to conduct suppression during the night
- The fire is putting out a lot of smoke because of the type of fuels involved, which is mainly cedar. The wind is also pushing smoke towards Sicamous.
- BC Wildfire is still confident that fire behaviour will decrease if it reaches the 2021 Two Mile wildfire burn scar.
- The Shuswap Emergency Program is in regular communication with the BC Wildfire Service and will provide more information tonight if necessary. Unless the current situation changes, this will be the final information update of the night. The CSRD Emergency Operations Centre remains activated to respond if needed. Please see the BC Wildfire dashboard for any updates to fire status.
More details
- BC Wildfire is encouraging people to report wildfires through the BC Wildfire mobile app and website. Photos can also be included with reports. To report by phone, call 1-800-663-5555 toll-free or *5555 on a cellphone.
- It’s always a good time to be prepared. Take time to build a grab-and-go kit and make a plan in case of an evacuation. You can learn about this at