
Information Released from In-Camera

Posted On: Jul 11, 2018

Tags: Live Here , Your Municipality

At the July 11, 2018 Council Meeting, the following resolution was released from in-camera:

THAT Council support the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure’s Main Street bridge
option for the Bruhn Bridge Project subject to the following conditions being met by MOTI:

  • That the construction, maintenance, and replacement costs of Main Street Bridge,
    remain the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure’s responsibility;
  • That MOTI include a connection from the bridge pathway to the rail to trail in the
    design for construction, and include the cost of the connection in the project costs;
  • That all federal and provincial environmental regulations be followed;
  • That any lost District boat slips be replaced upon completion of the project;
  • That Splatsin cultural heritage be protected;
  • That any impact to the adjacent property owners be mitigated as much as possible,
    and the bridge approach be as aesthetically pleasing as possible;

AND THAT this resolution be shared with the Splatsin Council in confidence.