Fire Update August 9, 2021 12:00 Hours
Posted On: Aug 09, 2021
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White Rock Lake - 55700 ha
With the current weather conditions, the fire has mostly stalled with no significant growth in size or direction overnight. There continues to be moderate growth in active areas on the north, northeast, and southeast flanks.
The helicopter fleet includes a Sikorsky 64 SkyCrane helicopter, which has a 2,650-gallon tank that is fillable in less than one-minute. There are also four Kamov heavy helicopters in the fleet. Additional air support is available and will be utilized as required, should conditions allow.
Two Mile - 1349 ha
Yesterday, smoke caused challenges to air operations. The improved visibility will allow more air operations to happened and it is critical that boats avoid any areas that helicopter are bucketing. There may be skimmer planes operating with the improved visibility. Boating will be shut down in areas they will be working. The crews continue to make good progress with steering this fire higher up the mountain.
The public is being asked to stay off any forestry roads accessing the fires as crews are currently using them. Please obey the no stopping Signs along Hwy 97 A. The parking area and field along the east side of Finlayson park is closed as it is being used as a helicopter landing zone.
Crazy Creek Gorge FSR - 3619 ha
Structure Protection Units are set up on buildings in Pete Martin Bay and continues in Queest Village. The Evacuation Order for the communities of Queest Village and Pete Martin Bay remains in place.
Hunakwa - 3549 ha
Efforts from crews working on the north side of the fire have resulted in the Evacuation Order being downgraded to an Evacuation Alert for Seymour Arm.
Three Valley Lake - 433 ha
No significant change with the cooler temperatures and limited precipitation. Helicopters were bucketing yesterday to limit growth on the west side and minimize potential impacts on Highway 1. The Evacuation Alert remains in place.