Solsqua-Sicamous Bridge Update: August 16, 2021
Posted On: Aug 16, 2021
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Eastern lane of new Solsqua-Sicamous Bridge now open to traffic
August 16, 2021—The eastern lane of the new Solsqua-Sicamous Bridge has opened to one-lane alternating traffic while the remaining portion of the new bridge deck is constructed.
Drivers may notice bumps on either end of the bridge deck, resulting from asphalt transition. Please know this is temporary. Once the remaining section of the new bridge is complete, a membrane will be placed over the concrete deck and the bridge deck will be paved to ensure a smooth transition.
Specialized crews, including form works, rebar and concrete, will be staged over the next number of weeks as additional supports and bridge decking are constructed.
The District of Sicamous has several capital projects underway and understands these projects can create inconveniences to the daily life of the public. Thank you for your patience during this time, as we near completion for the Solsqua-Sicamous Bridge Project.