Community Bulletin for the Shuswap Wildfire Complex - August 18, 2021
Posted On: Aug 18, 2021
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On Aug 16 to 17 the fire moved approximately four kilometers over night into morning on the northeast corner, away from community and structures. On the south flank the fire jumped the guard that was in place, crossed Hummingbird Creek and then burned back up to the Skyline FSR. Structure protection is
ongoing in Swansea Point.
Yesterday crews were reassessing containment lines around the Swansea Point community and completed the contingency guard along the property line. On the north flank of the fire crews and heavy equipment continued tightlining and extending the containment line.
Today crews and heavy equipment will continue to construct guard, extending lines and tightlining where possible. Terrain continues to be quite challenging with steep sections and cliffs.
Heavy equipment will work to establish guards where terrain allows.
DTA and DTF will be on going.