Bruhn Bridge Update
Posted On: Oct 27, 2020
Tags: Featured , Your Municipality
Bruhn Bridge Update, October 28, 2020:
Regarding the two separate motor vehicle incidents that occurred on Tuesday October 27, 2020 on the Bruhn Bridge, neither incident was weather or road condition related. The bridge guard rail was damaged in both instances, which will now require repairs. A temporary barrier between the roadway and the pedestrian lane on the bridge will be added (concrete blocks like we have seen in the past) and a temporary railing will be installed in the two places where the guard rail was damaged. Proper replacement of the railing sections will occur once the custom manufactured sections are procured, this work will most likely not be completed until the spring of 2021.
The Bruhn Bridge remains slated for replacement, however the guard rail does need to be properly repaired as a new bridge won't be here by the spring.
Note that the barrier being added to the pedestrian lane will restrict passage, limiting the pedestrian crossing of wheelchairs and scooters.
As normally scheduled, the seasonal deck patching of the bridge will begin in the next 2-3 weeks.
Let's keep each other safe by slowing down, staying alert, and driving with caution.
Questions, comments and inquiries may be directed to Amanda Passmore, Communications & Public Affairs Officer by email or phone at or 250-836-2477 x 2180.