Kelly Bennett appointed Chief Administrative Officer for the District of Sicamous
Posted On: Aug 03, 2022
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: District of Sicamous Council has appointed Kelly Bennett as the new Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) for the municipality.
“On behalf of Council, I would like to congratulate Kelly Bennett on her appointment,” said Mayor Terry Rysz. “Council is pleased she has accepted this important position. Kelly has been a proven asset to the District of Sicamous and is well respected by Council and the District team. She brings immense knowledge, skills and experience to the role.”
Bennett, who has served as the District’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO) since 2013, was appointed Interim CAO on July 5, 2022, following the departure of former CAO Evan Parliament.
“I am excited to take on my new role as Chief Administrative Officer for the District of Sicamous,” says Bennett, who received her Chartered Accountant (CA) designation in 2004.
“After serving as the Chief Financial Officer for nine years, I have developed a strong foundation in the technical skills, professional integrity and community relations required to take on this role. I am passionate about Sicamous and its potential and promise to serve the community to the best of my ability.”
Bennett has over 20 years’ experience in administration and financial management. Prior to accepting the position of CFO for the District, Bennett worked with BDO Canada in her hometown of Salmon Arm. Currently, Bennett is a Director with the Salmon Arm Savings & Credit Union Board and served previously on the Board of Directors for the District of Sicamous Development Corporation.