Attend the September 22, 2021 Meetings via ZOOM!
Posted On: Sep 22, 2021

The District of Sicamous is committed to ensuring public participation and attendance at public meetings. Those unable to attend in person are encouraged to join via ZOOM by video or telephone.
10AM | Planning & Development Committee
ZOOM link:
Dial-in: +1 438 809 7799
Find your local number:
View the Planning & Development Committee Agenda here!
5PM | Regular Council Meeting
ZOOM link:
Dial-in: +1 438 809 7799
Find your local number:
View the Regular Council Meeting Agenda here!
Please Note: Seating in Council Chambers is currently limited and will be socially distanced as outlined in the District of Sicamous' COVID-19 Safety Plan. Delegations appearing before Council will be seated first, followed by the viewing public on a first-come, first-served basis. As per the Order of the Provincial Health Officer, masks are mandatory for anyone 12 years and older who is attending in person. Contract tracing is also in effect.
Guidelines for attending a virtual meeting:
The public is encouraged to attend Council Meetings via ZOOM and will be able to listen and observe the entire meeting. When participants join the meeting, there is a “Waiting Room” until you are entered by the host. Participants do not have immediate audio permissions but will have the opportunity to comment during appropriate times. Public comment periods include:
- Public Hearings when public feedback is requested,
- Public delegations to Council (pre-registration required), and
- When permitted by the Chair.
When the chair opens the floor to the public to comment, please select the "Raise Hand" option or, if participating by phone, dial #9 to indicate you wish to address Council.
We appreciate your patience as we adjust to this new meeting format. If you are having troubles attending virtually or have feedback regarding the virtual process, please email